Thursday, January 20, 2011

Rock and Roll in NYC

Last night was a long night. I shot ZO2 (top picture) and Diablo Royale when I saw this woman on her cell. I recomposed and quickly adjusted my exposure for the almost non existent light source coming from her cell, and shot. It was no surprise that I would get a good picture since I am working with top of the line equipment and my new 70 to 200 MK2 is proving to be worth it's weight in gold. In the words of my colleague, the lens is too sharp. Also, the chromatic elements of this lens are superior to those of the previous version. The colors seem to be more defined as is the exposure : tonality is improved as well.

The entire concert proved to be somewhat of a challenge. The lighting was often muddy and not well defined, something that the lighting person needs to work on. There was also a considerable exposure variation on all parts of the stage. Consequently, I had to constantly change my exposure, often by one to one and a half stops. Sometimes more.

Just having fun.

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