Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Fabulous Sixties continued.....

I just wanted to add some images to my April fourth note about the Fabulous Sixties. The tourists here, although dressed very much like Americans are form another country. That is a story in itself,  but the issue here is a multinational fascination with American cars.  Without getting into a long and elaborate  philosophical discussion about the difference between Europeans, or foreigners buying American cars and Americans buying European cars. It is safe to say that people on both sides of the pond buy each others automobiles for different reasons, with exceptions of course. On the numerous occasions that I have been to Europe, I noticed that an American car brought with it a cultural and lifestyle accessory; almost built into the car.  That is just my impression, but you can draw your own conclusions.

Pictured here is a 71 and 66 Dodge Charger. I guess 71 is close enough to the sixties since technically 1972 was probably the end on an era for those fabulous cars.
So, enjoy, because they are few and far between.

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