Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Street fashion.....5th Avenue at 57th New York

Why do I love these two images. Perhaps not for the reasons you might think. The purity of this image  harkens back to the film transparency days. You either got it in the camera or you didn't.  There was no cropping, or fancy footwork done in photoshop. Also, the symmetry and shapes all play a role, but what is most important are the personalities of the people that are compelling and pleasing to the eye. 

 As I am sitting here listening to a dance music station from Paris, I cant help but think how different the two cities are... but thats and a great topic for another day. 

Street fashion has lately taken over my life. While still keeping an eye on my more stylized work in fashion and portraiture, I cant help but see a new opportunity evolving in this type of photography.  Its interesting, because the photography here has permeated the work of more established photographers.  Clients are increasingly looking to photographers who can shoot this kind of an image. Don't get me wrong, you still have to know what you are doing . It would be difficult to just pick up a camera and go out shooting for the big boys. 

For street fashion images go to


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